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Percoll 细胞分离液


Percoll   细胞分离液                                      

For separation of cells, subcellular particles and larger viruses (down to ~ 70S) under gentle conditions which preserve viability and morphological integrity.                      

Non-toxic to cells.                                                             

Adjustable to physiological ionic strength and pH.                                               

Gradients can either be preformed or spontaneously generated by centrifugation at moderate speeds in an angle-head rotor.                                                         

Gradients are iso-osmotic throughout and cover a range of densities up to 1.3 g/ml.         

TECHNICAL INFORMATION                                              

Percoll™ consists of silica particles (15-30 nm diameter) coated with non-dialyzable polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP). Free PVP is present at only 1-2%. Percoll™ is non-toxic, almost chemically inert and does not adhere to membranes. Percoll™ gradients can be formed within the density range of 1.0-1.3 g/ml, and are iso-osmotic throughout.                            Percoll™ is provided as a sterile solution and can be stored unopened at room temperature for five yr. At -20°C, it can only be stored for up to six months. If stored at -20°C, gradients form upon thawing, necessitating a mixing of the bottle before use. Preformed gradients can be stored for weeks without a change in gradient shape, provided that the gradient is sterile and remains unfrozen. Percoll™ can be buffered within the pH range 5.5-10.0 without any changes in properties. If the pH is dropped below 5.5, gelling may occur. Gelling can also be caused by the presence of divalent cations, an effect which is exacerbated by elevated temperatures. Undiluted Percoll™ can be resterilized by autoclaving for 30 min at 120°C                             

Percoll™ is guaranteed to meet the following specifications                           

Composition Silica sol with non-dialyzable PVP coating, 15-30 nm diameter                 

 Density 1.13 ± 0.005 g/ml                     Conductivity, max 100 mS/m Osmolality, max 25 mOsm/kg                  Viscosity 10 ± 5 cP at 20°C              pH 9.0 ± 0.5 at 20°C



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