商品简介:氧化低密度脂蛋白(Oxidized LDL) 来源:铜离子氧化的健康人全血血浆LDL; 蛋白含量:氧化后<98%,标准单位1.0mg/ml; 包装规格:乳状液体,1.0mg/ml标准或1.5mg/ml规格; 保存方式:零上4℃冷藏保存,保质期60日,建议最长保存期限不要超过90日; 供货周期:1个工作日 运输方式:全国各主要省级地市泡沫箱冷链快递,2日-3日到达; 稀释方式:PBS磷酸盐缓冲液或培养细胞用的培养液,使用何种稀释液和稀释到何种浓度取决于实验目的; 市场最小销售单位:2mg
Quantity: 1.0 to 2.0(milligrams) Protein/unit
Concentration:1.0-2.0mg/ml,determined by Lowry method
Source: From fresh human plasma that has tested negative for Hepatitis C,HIV-1 as Hepatitis Surface antigens. Oxidized LDL is membrane filtered and aseptically packaged in a solution containing phosphate-buffered saline at pH 7.5 and 20 uM EDTA.
Preparation: Human LDL is oxidized using 10uM Cu2SO4 (oxidant) in PBS. Oxidation is terminated by adding excess EDTA .Each is analyzed on agarose gel electrophoresis for migration LDL.
Stability: LDL is 4℃ for Short and long-term storage.
Special Note: Prolonged storage, some precipitate maybe observed. This′s normal to this products. Clarify out the aggregates by spinning in a microfuge for 2 minutes. Preparations of Oxidized LDL are fairly unstable; Plan your experiments in advance and use fresh materials.